The first thing we did was to have a Nutri-Walk. After that we went to the stage by level and said our different chants. We sat down after to listen to the emcee's on what was gonna happen that day.After we got informed on what was going to happen we had a Zumba. It is Nutrition Month after all.
When the Zumba was over, the contestants of the Nutri-Chef prepared. The contestants have an hour to cook a dish that will blow the judges minds.
We ate our lunch and our section decided that we are gonna have a little salo-salo and that everyone must bring a food-to-share. When we were done eating, the contestants for Mr. and Ms. Healthy had to prepare on what they are going to where.We were ask to go down to watch the performance. They had to change outfits from their fruit of choice and a formal wear.
The announced different kinds of awards to different contestants but not everyone made it through the second round.
Before they announced the winner and the special awards, the dance troop prepared something for the audience.
The winner they announced from the pageant are from a different level and section.
Checked.... Don't forget the photo credits.